Sunday, October 14, 2018


Location: Jones Bridge along Quintin Paredes Rd, Binondo Manila 
Wayback 1920’s

*La Madre Filipina sculpture design by Ramon Martinez in 1911
*Juan Arellano (who was designed a new bridge Jones Bridge to replace the bridge of spain and he was also responsible for designing the Manila Post Office the Legislature Building and Metropolitan Theater)
assigned the task of creating the statues to a sculptor named Martinez 
*The result of which is a fort piece set of sculptures titled La Madre Filipina 
*La Madre Filipina , means the filipina mother whose traits and values are being enrolled and immortalized in each of these sculptures 
*During The Battle of Manila, One of the four statues to be devastated as well in the process 
*The three of these sculptures on the bridge were removed when the Jones bridge was rebuilt after the WWII 
*One of sculpture was moved first to intramuros before it was relocated to a more permanent spot in Luneta 
*Today, La Madre Filipina sculpture was later moved to the Luneta (Rizal Park) close to the Rizal Monument and the other two now stand in front of the Court of Appeals

1 comment:

  1. A bit of misinformation in this article. Arellano was commissioned in 1916 to replace the Bridge of Spain which was partially destroyed in 1914. I don't believe Martinez was already working on the bridge statues by 1911. One of the artists that worked with Arellano to design some of the sculptures on the Jones was Otto Fischer-Credo.
    Please see my blog article:
