Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Location: Tabuc Suba, Jaro Iloilo City
Wayback 1940’s

*The Lizares Mansion built in the 1937 by Don Emiliano Lizares for his wife Conchita Gamboa and their two sons and three daughters
*The Lizares mansion which is a mixture of American and Spanish Architecture
*The mansion has three floors a basement and an attic
*It has 59 doors which indicate the intricacy of its layout
*During WWII, broke out the family left for safe hiding place in Pototan Iloilo
*The Mansion was then used as headquarters of the Japanese Army-it was believed that the basement became a dumping ground for tortured
*After the War, the family went back to live in the mansion but life was never the same
*In 1950’s, Don Emiliano Lizares died and his widow left for manila, leasing the mansion to a businessman who turned it into a casino
*The city Mayor later ordered that the casino be closed, claiming that it corrupted the ilonggos
*After that, The mansion was left to the hands of a caretaker Tio Doroy Finoland, who with. his wife kept it intact
*In 1962, The Lizares Mansion was sold to the Dominicans
*In 1963, it was converted into House of Formation for young Dominicans in the Philippines
*In 1978, the mansion compound became the home of Angelicum School Iloilo

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